One Of The Best Stringing An Acoustic Guitar Video Lessons.
Changing strings isn't a big deal. Follow these simple steps and you'll be doing it like pro in no time.
When should you change the strings on your acoustic? There are several things that will tell you when to change. Strings will become dull sounding over a period of time and will be hard to tune. The strings will also be more prone to break. New strings on your guitar are the cheapest up-grade in sound that you can possibly make.
The Right Tools For the Job
Using the right tools makes stringing an acoustic guitar a breeze. For starters,obviously, you need new strings. If you have questions about which ones are right for you, take a look at this page on
acoustic guitar strings.
You'll also need a set of side cutters or pliers for cutting off the extra string, a tuner of some type and a combination string winder/bridge pin puller.
Here's the reason for the bridge pin puller. It's specificly made for pulling bridge pins. It's very light weight so it won't damage the guitar if it's dropped on the top. It also really speeds up winding the string onto the tuner posts. Try that with a pair of pliers!
Remove the Old String
The first step in stringing an acoustic guitar is removing the old string. Place your string winder over the knob of the tuner and begin to loosen the string. Plucking the string while turning the tuner knob will let you know if you're tightening or loosening the string.
When there is no tension left on the string, remove it from the tuning post. Now that you have one end free, you're ready for the bridge. Place the notch in your bridge pin puller under the head of the bridge pin. Gently pull the pin from the bridge.
If the pin is really tight you may have to work it from different sides. Remove the old string.
Putting On the New String
O.K. Now we get to the stringing part of stringing an acoustic guitar. Below is tthe step by step process on how to do it.
- Remove new string from package. Double check that it's the correct string.
- Put the ball end (the part with the metal loop in it) through the hole in the bridge.
- Put the bridge pin in the hole with the string. Most bridge pins have a slot cut in one side of them. The string fits in that slot. Face the slot in the bridge pin toward the slot in the bridge that is on the side of the string hole.
- Hold the bridge pin in place and pull on the string. The ball at the end of the string will lodge between the end of the bridge pin and the bridge plate (the bridge plate is a piece of wood, usually maple, glued to the underside of the guitar top for re-inforcement.
- You'll need to leave 3-4 inches of slack in the string.
- Turn the tuner until the hole in it faces toward the body of the guitar.
- Put the end of the string through the hole closest to the guitars body.
- Take the free end of the string and turn it toward the center of the headstock, making a bend at the tuner post.
- Bring the free end of the string under the string on the body side of the tuner post.
- Make a half loop around the string at the post. As the string is tightened the half loop will be bound against the tuner post. This will lock the end of the string in place.
- Bring the string up to pitch. Wind the string from the top of the tuner post to the bottom.
- Gently pull on the string several times, re-tuning between pulls. This will help stretch the string (even metal stretches) and will seat the string against the tuner posts and at the bridge.
This may seem to be a very involved process. It's like everything else though. With a little practice
stringing an acoustic guitar
is pretty easy.
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