FingerstyleGuitarLessons-YouAreMySunshine Gets Funky
FingerstyleGuitarLessons-YouAreMySunshine Is one of our Best Free Online Guitar Lessons
The song featured in this installment of our free guitar lessons is You Are My Sunshine. This lesson uses easy guitar chords and features 3 different acoustic guitar tabs. And, of course, another one of our video guitar lessons is included.
You might be surprised by the artists who have recorded You Are My Sunshine. They include Bing Crosby, Gene Autry, Bill Haley & The Comets, Johny Cash, Bob Dylan, Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin.
It's been used in a lot of movies and T.V. shows, as well. These range from O Brother, Where Art Thou to The Simpsons.
You Are My Sunshine is also The State Song of Louisiana.
So, you can see that it must appeal to a lot of people. We're going to do something a little different with it, which I hope, is also appealing.
The arrangement of it that you'll find here uses the Chord Shapes of C, F, and G.
You will need a TEF viewer to see the music for this lesson. You can download it free here.
There are 3 different tabs for this song.
The first one is what's called a lead sheet. It shows the melody, chords and lyrics.
You can find the lead sheet here.
The second tab shows the basic accompaniement.
You can listen to the MIDI playback of the guitar tab by clicking on the yellow loudspeaker icon on the toolbar.

As you look at the tab, compare how the vocal line plays against the accompaniement. The accompaniement falls on the beat. The vocal line is both on the beat and off the beat. This gives the song a syncopated feel.
Then, when you get to the real accompaniement you'll find even more syncopation.
Even though the accompaniement is syncopated, it's very consistent. This means that once you have the accompniement down, it's kind of on auto-pilot. This leaves you free to think about singing the melody line.
Once you've got the vocal line down, you combine it with the accompanienent and voila!, you've got a pretty cool little song to play.
You'll notice that there's an introduction at the beginning of the accompaniement tab for FingerstyleGuitarLessons-YouAreMySunshine. This intro is created by taking the end of the song and playing it at the beginning of the piece. This is a very common way to create an intro.
There is also an instrumental section at the end of the tab. The guitar tab shows it after the 1st verse. In reality, you can play it anywhere that you want to.
There are two more verses to the song. To get the lyrics for those verses, go to "Score" on the toolbar. When you click on that you'll find "Notes" on the drop down menu. Click on notes and you'll find the rest of the lyrics.
That about does it for FingerstyleGuitarLessons-YouAreMySunshine. I hope that you have fun playing it!
You can contact me with any questions.
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