The next free online guitar lessons in the series continues working on developing your right hand. The acoustic guitar tab and free video guitar lessons show that we're again using C, F, and G.
In this exercise the fingers work in a pattern of Thumb, 2nd finger, 1st finger. You'll get the best results from this exercise if you really drill on it.
The idea is to shorten the reaction time when your brain tells your fingers to move. Speed comes from practicing the moves until they're second nature. After they're second nature, you work on making the moves faster.
Here are some pointers for practicing this exercise:
- Brush your fingers across the strings. The fingers motion moves from the floor side of the string to the ceiling side of the string.
- Use the left side of your fingertip as the finger points away from you.
- Grab the full chord even if you're only playing a portion of it.
- Try to get even volume from each string. One string shouldn't be louder than another.
- Use proper right hand and left hand position.
- Hold the guitar in the proper position
You will need a TEF viewer to see the music for FingerstyleGuitarLessons-9. You can download it free here.
This link takes you to the music.
To hear the MIDI playback of this exercise, click on the yellow loudspeaker icon on the tablature.

I hope that you have fun with this lesson and find it helpful.
You can contact me with any questions.