FingerstyleGuitarLessons-2 Picks Up Where #1 Stopped
Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson 2 Includes Free Acoustic Guitar Tabs
This is FingerstGuitarLessons-2 in this series of free online guitar lessons. It picks up where Lesson 1 stopped. If you missed Lesson 1, you should check out it's acoustic guitar tab, before continuing these free online guitar lessons.
Fingerstyle GuitarLessons-2 uses the guitar chords that you've already learned. But instead of plucking with fingers 1 and 2 at the same time, we'll use them independently of each other.
We'll still be using the same 12 bar blues pattern as lesson 1. The only thing that changes is the right hand. The right hand uses a pattern of Thumb, 1st finger, second finger.
Here are some things to think of as you practice FingerstyleGuitarLessons-2:
Try to pluck the strings with an equal amount of force. This will help produce even volume from each string that's played.
Don't pull the string away from the guitar and let it pop back (unless you want that sound ). Instead, brush your fingertip across the string.
Try using a thumbpick and fingerpicks.
With the left hand only press the string down enough to get a good tone. Using too much force just makes it harder to smoothly chsnge chords.
Make sure your guitar's in tune. It will sound better!
You'll need a TablEdit File viewer to see the music for this lesson. Get a free one here.
After you open the TablEdit file, click on the loudspeaker icon. This will play a MIDI version of the music.