50 year-old beginner

by Edwin

i have a suzuki 3-s 12 string that i have had for 32years. It is strung with only 6 at the moment.I have always considered myself as not having any musical talent, so i never learned more than strumming a few chords, which gave me no enjoyment, so i put it away 15 years ago. On a recent vacation to Hawaii, i heard what i now know as hawaiian slack key. I am very interested in learning this. Question: can I learn slack key directly as a beginner, or do i have to first learn basic guitar chords and strumming? I have never really cared for guitar until I heard Gabby Pahinui and Ray Kane. Any advice or insight is appreciated. Thanks

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Dec 30, 2011
50 year old beginner NEW
by: Jim

I'd say that if a particular style of music grabs you, go for it. It's always good to know basic theory and technique though.

My suggestion would be to buy some instructional videos of your favorite slack key guitarists and see if you can do what they're teaching. If you can't, you might go back and learn some of the basics.

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